Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lecture notes

For the past couple of years was populated with links to lecture notes in economics from leading universities around the world. The goal was to provide educational materials in advance economics training. Students are able to click on links to lecture notes in advanced economic theory, trade, econometrics, IO, among others, and learn what graduate students are learning around the world. Faculty could tap into this resource in preparing their lectures and shaping their syllabuses. Most of the early beneficiaries of the posted materials were graduate students in Turkey where the economics training is more advanced. But now we're seeing more from Armenia and Georgia.

Initially the entire effort was aimed at the doctoral level, where training is yet to reach its full potential. It turned out that undergraduate students have similar needs as well. Textbooks for the most part don't really exist, and training in many fields is lacking. But undergraduate training materials pause a unique problem. Unlike graduate training which is universally undertaken/available in English, language and relevance are serious concerns. Much of these need to be in Armenian. They also need to contain examples or case studies relevant to conditions on the ground.

To date, only two lecture notes in undergraduate finance written in Armenian are posted on the server, with an average of 100 downloads per month. One can only imagine the benefits to students (and faculty), who could be located anywhere, from having access to lectures in Armenian or that related to Armenia. And so this is a call to educators out there to share their lecture notes and have them posted on (or linked to)

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